Tuesday, September 29, 2009

WTF (fudge)? ;)

Okay, so nothing incredibly insane has happened recently in my life...for once. I am sick, yet again, and I have pink eye; but that is nothing new for me. :( The boys are good. Tavi is doing well in school and Jaiden is just Jaiden. He always keeps me laughing. We were watching wrestling last night and The Big Show stepped in the ring to fight Mark Henry and Jaiden looked at the TV and goes "a fat guy and a fat guy? They are going to come through the TV and kick our butts!" Oh, to be four again....

In other news, a couple of weeks ago we made the one-hour voyage to Huntsville, MO to see my Dad and Step-mother. Since they have just moved from Moberly to Huntsville, I decided to take a detour and show the boys where I used to live in Huntsville. I hadn't been through there in ages so I thought it would be good to see the old place. Unfortunately, I was in for a BIG surprise! Whoever bought our old house had painted it...yellow! AHHHH! (See the picture below!)

What had they done to my old house?!?! Now when I fly over I can probably pick out Huntsville, MO by the bright yellow dot on the countryside. I have nothing against the color yellow. I really don't. I don't own any yellow clothes because it doesn't look good on me and I could deal with a light yellow house, but this yellow is just wrong! Have these people no shame? (If you happen to know these people, please don't take any offense.) I had some really good times in that house, now my memories are tarnished....

p.s. Reet, the house reminds me of the pictures of Coby's baby poop!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Catching up

My life has been slightly hectic the last few weeks so I haven't posted anything since my last waxing adventure. I guess here is a run down of what has been going on with me.

First, a couple weeks ago I got away for an awesome girls weekend with Meredith and Kibby. It was GREAT and so relaxing. It started out as a float trip and Pam was going with us but something came up and Pam couldn't come so it was just the three of us. We decided to just rent a hotel somewhere, bring snacks, and have fun. We ended up going to World's of Fun and had a blast together. Of course my boobs got in the way of some of the rides, but it was all good. We ended up getting completely soaked on the Fury of the Nile. First time around we barely got wet so we stayed on again...ummm, okay, so it was my idea...then the second time around we got SOAKED!!!!!! After that we had to walk around with wet crotches and the sun was going down and it was cooling off. We didn't get there until around 5pm and left by 9:30pm. We determined we are just too damn old!

Then last Wednesday I had a liver biopsy done because unfortunately I have liver disease and the only way to know the stage is through a biopsy. With the good drugs, I didn't feel a think during the procedure even though I was awake but I'm still sore now. Here is a picture of where they did the biopsy.

I just got the results back and the inflamation is a stage 1 of 4 and the scarring is stage 2 of 4. Guess it's not as bad as it could be.

Last Friday Jaiden was in a tric-a-thon to raise money for St. Jude. It was so cute seeing him out there riding his bike for a good cause. I think he rode 57 laps pretty much without stopping. He's my baby!

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Okay, so you probably read my blog the other day about torturing trying out my do-it-yourself wax on my husband. Since that day, I have effectively waxed my eyebrows and did a pretty good job. I actually did not rip out all of my eyebrows...or eyelashes...as I figured I might!

But tonight I decided I would try to wax the flower garden south of the border. (What? I'm trying to be PC.) Anyway, I warmed the strips in my hand and pulled them apart. I applied them and then riiiiiiipppppp! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! That really hurt! It seemed to hurt more doing it myself than it did when the girl at the salon did it. I wasn't deterred though so I kept plugging...er, pulling...away. I did several strips and then I realized it, I wasn't able to do it by myself. There's only so far south that I can get my head and only so many ways I can contortion myself. So I put my pride aside, wrapped myself in a towel and walked into the living room to beg my husband for help.

I figured he would take some pleasuring in torturing causing me some pain this time so he told me I owed him big time and reluctantly helped me. I laid down and he started to put the strips on and rip them off. This time, I'm cussing him out and trying not to yell too loud because the kids are asleep. We finish and it's definitely not like it is at the salon but I have another problem. My whooha is stuck together! My legs and everything are stuck together! All I could think about is that email joke where the woman tried this and got herself stuck so she got into a tub of hot water to try to get herself unstuck but ended up getting stuck to the bathtub. Thankfully I remembered I had the lotion that comes with it to remove excess wax. Crisis averted!!!!! I think next time I will go back to the salon!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

What am I thinking?

Today I'm not having a particularly bad day, it's actually pretty good. The boys got up great this morning and got dressed without any meltdowns or fights. Tavi made him and Jaiden breakfast and then made himself slop lunch for school. It's what he wanted so I let him do it even though the ketchup and mustard was squishing out the sides of his sandwich. I even let Jaiden pick out his own clothes, brush his teeth, comb his hair, and wash his face on his own. (Frances, T, I hope you're not laughing at him.) I was running late as usual so this morning it was anything goes.

Since I didn't have to do it all, it left me a lot of time to ponder some things. It's nothing as profound as Rita's bug stories (which I love by the way because I hate them too) but it makes me think. I wonder about life and happiness. Is life really supposed to be hard? Are you ever truly happy or is it an illusion put on by other people so you think you're lacking something? Does anything ever get easier? All of these are questions that I wish I had the answer to.

Is it wrong to want and wish for something that you don't have? Even if it's at the expense of another? I don't want to be a complete bitch to anyone, but I have hopes, dreams, wishes, goals, and aspirations too. Should I just settle for what I have and be content? After all, is what I have really that bad? I'm alive, I have two healthy kids, I have a job that treats me well even though it doesn't pay that much, I own my car, we bought a house, I have two college degrees, and I do happen to be married. Shouldn't that be enough? Why isn't that enough for me? I want more. Sometimes after the kids go to bed I sit outside and look at the stars and wish that I was on the airplane that I see flying into the night sky. I don't care where it's going, I just want to be on it.

I'm tired of Boonville...hell, I'm tired of Missouri period. I want out but I don't know where to go. I have to find a job and go somewhere that is okay for raising two boys. I want need a fresh start somewhere with a chance at finding happiness. Maybe one day I will find it...unless it's all a charade.