Monday, March 29, 2010

You are only as old as you feel...

...whatever. I'm 30. I get it, in the great scheme of things, 30 is not all that old. But I feel like I'm 100! Okay, so I don't really know what being 100 feels like, but I imagine that what I'm feeling is what 100 feels like.

I'm just now beginning to recover from my weekend. Saturday was a big day. The boys bowl on teams on Saturday mornings at 10 am. We usually are pushing 10 am getting to the bowling alley which is all of about 6 blocks from my house because we I like to sleep in as much as possible. The boys bowl on different teams so we do a lot of back and forth across the lanes and watching the other end of the room, etc. It really does help when Eugene is there because then we can switch back and forth...unless of course he is playing with his stupid cell phone. In that instance I text him to tell him to pay attention to the boy he is with or he calls me from half-way across the room just because. Since Jaiden is only four and the others on his team aren't much older, his team is usually the last one done so we end up spending two hours at the bowling alley. Whew, they only have two more weeks left!!!!

After bowling on Saturday, we had to go home and gather our stuff for Tavi's birthday party. We decided not to have a big party this year, Tavi just wanted the family to go to Chuckie Cheese. So...I had to go to Wal-Mart and get the stuff for the party and Eugene went to pick up the cake, then we had to go home and get our camera and coupons (can't afford Chuckie without coupons!), and Tavi's friend got dropped off so we headed to Columbia with three boys screaming in the back seat. My mom, her boyfriend, my brother, and his friend met us at Chuckie Cheese so we ordered pizza and got tokens and turned the boys loose. They ran me all over the place. The pizza arrived so we took a break from playing and ate pizza then we had cake. My friend, Kibby, came and had cake with us and brought Tavi some gag gifts that he absolutely LOVED! Then everyone left and the boys made us play some more. Eugene bought like 300 tokens so we played...and played...and played some more. My poor body ached in places that I didn't know existed. My back hurt, my knees hurt, my shoulder hurt, and most of all, my head hurt.

There is a reason why I really don't like other people's kids. The kids there were running all over the place screaming at the top of their lungs and being downright rude. I really wanted to start beating the crap out of whooping other people's kids. I know, I know, it's Chuckie Cheese and it's a place for kids to run and scream, but come on. At least teach your kids some manners and respect. One kid came up and tried to take Jaiden's tickets that he was earning and I had to stop him from that, then a girl came up and tried to take one of my balls from the skee ball game. These kids were pushing people and some of the adults there weren't any better. I. spent. FOUR. hours. at. Chuckie. Cheese. I don't care if I ever go back! We finally got done and the boys came out of there with over 1000 tickets thanks to Mom, David, Aaron, and Jason (me and Eugene included too) so they got their prizes and we were done. We drove home with the three boys in our car still screaming. I thought they would have worn themselves out but no such luck. We dropped Tavi's friend off and then went home. Tavi and Jaiden ran around the playing with the fart toys Kibby gave Tavi (she gave him flarp and a whoopie cushion along with other things). Eugene and I collapsed on the couch.

Sunday, Mom asked me to go shopping with her and I did. We had so much fun. I love spending time with my mom, just me and her. We went tanning and then we were going to go shopping and we drove by Cato's. Neither one of us had ever been in there before so we stopped and O.M.G., it is my new favorite place to shop. They had cute clothes but they were CHEAP! Mom bought me a couple outfits and her some things too. We finished our shopping and stopped for an appetizer at Applebee's. We spent three solid hours shopping. We were both exhausted. I got home and thankfully Eugene was cooking dinner so we had dinner, I slipped into my new comfy lounge clothes, watched Wrestlemania, then went to sleep.

It was a good weekend, but very tiring. Now I'm just waiting until tomorrow when my first born will turn 10 years old. *sniff**sniff*. Ten years ago right now I was in labor. My how the time flies...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

He did...what?

My boys are definitely the epitome of the saying "boys will be boys". I feel like I am constantly yelling at them to 'pick up your toys', 'pick up your room', 'who peed on the toilet', etc. While I complain all the time sometimes, I couldn't imagine my world without them. My existence would be utterly boring.

Tavion is a sweet, sometimes shy, quiet, and reserved boy. He has the biggest heart and loves to help people. He constantly worries about everything. If I so much as say 'ouch' (and try not to let the profanities flow), he is right over me hovering excitedly saying "Mom, what happened, are you okay, let me help you...". Sometimes he gets rowdy and gets in trouble. Other times, he is hilarious! I think he gets his sarcasm from me, not to mention he is theatrical. The other day we had just gotten home and I had the house key in my hand. As I went to put it in the door, he said "Mom, you shouldn't have to do that". I said "I shouldn't have to do what? Open the door?" HE came back with "You shouldn't have to do everything. You know, you are 30." WTF? Really? Thank you to my snot-nosed dweeble sweet, adorable son for POINTING OUT HOW EFFIN OLD I AM! Of course he thought it was funny and took off running. I think he could tell by the dumb-founded look on my face that I was getting ready to sit on him and tickle him until he couldn't breath and begged for mercy.

Now on to Jaiden. Oh Jaiden. I don't even know where to begin about Jaiden. It's something every night with him. He has the most energy of any kid I have ever seen and he does not hesitate to say or do what he thinks. This has gotten him in more trouble than I can count and it has also provided more laughs than I can count. Jaiden has an obsession with Michael Jackson. (Thanks for that Eugene.) Jaiden loves walking around wearing his Michael Jackson t-shirt and watching his shadow on the wall as he tries all of the Michael Jackson moves. Jaiden also loves to walk around naked with nothing but his underwear on. Can you see where this is going? We live across the street from a nursing home and the public pool. All I can say is that I am glad it's winter and that the pool is closed. I had the inside door open on one of our nice days to air out the house while I was cleaning. I walked into the room and Jaiden was standing right inside the door, looking at his reflection in the glass with his hand cupping his private parts, wearing nothing but his underwear, doing Michael Jackson's hip thrusts. OMG! It was the funniest thing I had ever seen but I had to keep myself composed while I yelled at him to get out from in front of the door doing that.

Wow, I'm sure the little old ladies across the street got an eye full that day!