Thursday, May 27, 2010

Trials and Tribulations

Wow, I can't believe it is the end of May already. Where has the time gone? I have talked a lot about the trials and tribulations that my family and I have faced. Somehow we have all made it through and are continuing our fight. There are two main things people, that I could not have lived children.

Tavion, is so sensitive and sweet. He is a protector and always tries to make me feel better. I hide my feelings from him and try not to let him know anything is wrong, but he always comes through with the hug that is needed at just the right time. He is always telling me I'm beautiful. It doesn't matter if I'm wearing my old holey t-shirt with shorts and my hair sticking up like Don Kings', it doesn't matter if I have on my glasses and no make-up, or if I've brushed my teeth yet. He just pipes up with, "Mommy, you are the most beautiful in the world". Hearing those words make your heart warm and how could you not feel a little better.

Jaiden, is quite another character all together. He gives me hugs and kisses and he still likes to cuddle, but he is definitely a ham. He cracks me up all the time. He says things out of the blue and I have no idea where he gets them. He talks like he knows EVERYTHING, even though he has no clue and it is really funny. We had watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the original movie with Kristy Swanson) and after that we drove by the cemetery and he asked if there were vampires there. I told him no, there were only dead people under the ground and they were not going to come back. HE tells ME that he is going to dig up the dead people so they could kill themselves. What? Really? My four-year-old did NOT just say that. Yes, he did. I can't do it justice how he said it, but it was really funny. I was trying to keep a straight face and said, "Jaiden, they can't kill themselves, they are already dead!" Anyway, dead people aside, he is always acting goofy, whether he's telling jokes that make no sense and cracking himself up so you just have to laugh or putting on my green, plastic, St. Patrick's day Leprechaun hat and pretending to be Michael Jackson, he can always brighten my day.

I guess the moral of this story is that you don't need to go far to recognize the little gems in your life. No matter how bad it gets, there are little angels waiting to lift you up. I love you guys!


  1. and too think that i love those there the best, i only got to watch them one time but that one time made my day. Both of them are amazing and wonderful kids, i love them to death.

    -Beth Reuter

  2. That's so true Angie!! I complain about the crap my kids put me through (literally!) but the truth is, I love my little dudes with every fiber of my being - and then some.

    Great post! :)

  3. Love this post and love your little guys!
